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Download and install Bluestacks Android Emulator on your pc. In order to install trucaller for pc you need to have Bluestacks Android Emulator on your pc.
#Truecaller premium apk 2015 how to#
Here I will be explaining How to download and install Truecaller for pc or laptop Now your number will be unslist for the trucaller directory these are the simple steps how to unlist your number from the trucecaller directory How to download and install Truecaller for PC (Windows 7/8/XP)
#Truecaller premium apk 2015 for free#
By watching video you will getting one day premium features for free and by completing the offers in the truecaller you can get more days premium features for free. There will be two tasks one is you can complete the offers and the other one is watch a video. You can also get premium features for free what you need to do is you just need to complete so task in the truecaller. There will no ads in the paid version that is difference between the paid and free version. The truecaller is available in the two versions one is paid and the other is free version both versions will be having the same features the free version will be having ads. By using the truecaller we can find the details of the unknown number who is calling you and it allows you to block numbers from spam callers and telemarketers. As the truecaller directory gets updated daily so that it can trace both old and new numbers. Truecaller is the telephone directory which provides the information of the caller identity of the person who is calling you for otally free and it will also help us trace mobile numbers. As it is available in also most all mobile operating system. Now let us know about the features of the truecaller and why it more popular in the smart phone mobile apps. Truecaller was developed by True Software Scandinavia AB and the company was located at the Stockholm, Sweden and founder of this company is Alan Mamedi and Nami Zarringhalam and the company was established in the year of 2009.
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Sehingga jika ada nomor yang dilaporkan oleh banyak orang sebagai tindakan spam, maka aplikasi Truecaller Premium Mod Apk ini akan melakukan blacklist terhadap nomor tersebut kepada para pengguna aplikasi ini. Kekuatan utama dari aplikasi Truecaller Premium Mod Apk ini berasal dari para penggunanya dan diupdate setiap waktu. Nah dengan menginstal aplikasi Truecaller Premium Mod Apk ini, anda tidak akan lagi mendapatkan gangguan semacam itu, karena aplikasi ini akan memblokir semua nomor dan juga pesan spam dari seluruh dunia. Ada yang melakukan telemarketing atau penawaran iklan dengan cara menelepon atau mengirim pesan secara acak, juga nomor hp spam yang berupaya untuk melakukan tindak kejahatan. Seperti kita tahu saat ini banyak sekali nomor tidak dikenal yang menghubungi kita dengan berbagai tujuan. Truecaller Premium Mod Apk v11.60.5 adalah aplikasi android terbaru dari Truecaller yang berfungsi untuk menghalau panggilan serta pesan spam dari telemarketing serta berbagai macam tindakan spam lainnya.